Nocturnal Eden
A small boy stares at the sky
Covered by the Starlights
Amazement fills his sparkly eyes
A small boy learns to smile again
Covered by the gentle Moonlight
All of his sorrows were not in vain
… feeling so safely naked
Finally the clouds are exploding
Down down the rain is pouring
Hearing new colored birds sing
And fantasies breathing
Landed in a dream of deep enchantments
Overwhelmed by new warmth into my chest
Feelings of pleasure running into my body
I open my eyes and forever let go
A small boy bathes in the light
Covered by Moon’s serenity
Feeling that with his wings, to fly, he might
… a universe where…
Wilderness is full of wisdom
And where the wisdom is wild
Where Angels are better seductress
Then Gaïa’s darker childs
“Now that my garden richly grows
why would I need to harvest autumn’s flowers?”