Oh what a night
Dancing with the romantic breeze of spring
Feels like I could fly with my wings
My new purple wings
Oh what a site
Dandelions play with me in the park
Feels like my eyes now hold a spark
A new mystic spark
Sing once again with me the melancholy
And all the things we cannot see
Sing once again with me just a piece of truth and then we’ll see
Just how seldom is our wisdom
Oh what a smile
A child has when his daddy comes back from work
The child doesn’t see he’s gone berserk
There’s too much work
Oh what a scream
A child makes when some monsters shakes its bed
Their teeth’s are brown, their eyes are red
And I think it sounds fun
- chorus-
“The romantic breeze inspires rainbow twirling petals to dance with me where the Moonlight shines”
Oh what a spell
Changes city parks into magic realms?
Let’s not say who is the lovely witch
Behind all of this
- chorus-