How Precious Life Is
Andy Gullahorn
We moved the desk out of the office
Took down the college picture frames
Painted all the walls yellow
Because it goes with anything
Put those guards on all the outlets
Found a safer car to buy
Did it all for your protection
And your mama's piece of mind
I couldn't see it 'til now
You were teaching us then
How precious life is
I saw you in that picture
When they said you were a boy
Though I swore I had no preference
Those words filled my heart with joy
My mind raced ahead a decade
It had us camping near a fire
Where you'd tell me all your troubles
And I'd make everything alright
I couldn't see it 'til now
You were teaching us then
How precious life is
God willing if we have another child
I'll see it for the miracle it is
I'll be hanging on to every blessed breath
'Cause I can't forget
How precious life is
I thought I knew what pain was
But I really had no clue
Until the hope was disappearing
And there was nothing we could do
I was too tired to shout in anger
Too scared to run and hide
I just stared there at your mother
And thanked God she was alive
I couldn't see it 'til now
You were teaching us then
How precious life is