Mo Choill
Tá taistealaí breá in sa tír
'S tá se scríofa ar a bord
Chuir me litir in sa phost
Agus gealltanas a post'
'S tú mo choill, choill, choill
'S tú mo choill gaineach ban
'S tú mo ghiolla dubh ar luaimh
Os ar ucht tú 'bheith slan
Tiocfaidh'n long in sa chuan
'S cuirfidh sí suas na driúrlann
Nuair a shilfeas a'fíon
Beidh an long ar a'trádh
Ó, Níl agam ar a't-saol
Ach an aon fear amháin
A chuir Aoife faoi shiúil
'S ar bord an "Man-of-War"
(Chorus twice)
Nuair a théimse faoi shiúil
'S d'fhág mo rún leabaí fáin
Nuair a chuala mé mo rún
A bheith ar chúl na dtonn tréann
There's a gentleman in this land
It's recorded on the board
I've sent a letter by post haste
To pledge my love and married bliss
You're my love, love, love
You're my loved one so fair
You're my dark sailor boy
And I wish for your care
A ship to the bay
Sets the casks on the rails
When the wine's drained away
She'll be ready to sail
In all this wide world
There is one man I care
Whom Aoife dismissed
And put on board the "Man-of-War"
(Chorus twice)
I journeyed away
And my love's bed reneged
When I heard that my love
Was abroad on the waves