Better Roads
Alex Reed
I am only one lane wide
I am just a one way street
Winding back behind the warehouse
Where the smokers like to meet
You're a highway, east to west
Abandoned[?] for the interstate
You once knew the touch of millions
Your portrait proud[?] in every atlas
We will never come together
There's a hundred turns to make between
The end of my life
And the nearest junction that you touch
And I am full of grass and garbage
And you can see into the ocean
I am quiet and enveloped
You are quiet and wide open
We are no one's destination
I am the shortcut; you're the scenic route
With boarded-up[?] gas stations
[??] everybody knows that
There are better roads to drive on
Roads like us will never meet
There are better roads to drive on
I am just a one-way street.