Across the Border
Mara, a gipsy girl, fell in love with a Gorgio
and she told him all her dreams
but he said "I don` t fucking care”
so the young girl turned round
went outside in starless night
and asked the devil for his help in her despair
Mara, what have you done
So the devil said "Allright,
sell me the souls of your family
I turn them into strings,
into a sound book and a bow"
a fiddle was born
and Mara learned to play few magic tunes
this time the boy couldn` t say "No"
Mara, what have you done
Do you wanna hear the end of this,
sit down and I will tell
the devil reappeared after one kiss
and carried them both to hell
the fiddle was dropped
and left behind under a crying moon
a boy came along of Mara` s kind,
picked it up and played this tune
Mara, what have you done
Mara, what have you done