The Leonard Cohen Poem
A F Harrold
Er, this is the other, er, pop music poem, um
It's a bit of a personal poem, this one
About how I changed my life and turned it around
I find it hard to believe that I lived my life for so long as a stranger
Rarely stayin' I was often goin'
Love seemed to me to be more ebbing than flowin'
And spiritually I was always somewhat owin'
And I'd never heard of Leonard Cohen
From Montreal in Canada where the wind is cold and blowin'
Where if it's not raining it's most probably snowin'
Comes Leonard Cohen
If your own in the south is not something that you know in
Any particular depth then draw a deep breath
And put on some Leonard Cohen
Some people say he's dull and grey
But they don't really know 'im
Some people seem to think he sets suicides goin'
Denounces hope and happiness and gets the tears all flowin'
Some people say he sings as if he's engaged to Wilfred Owen
But they don't know him
They don't really know him
Not the way that I know Leonard Cohen
Leonard, Lenny-boy, Laughing Len
The lovely figure of laughing Zen
If I'm ever feeling low I listen, and then
I don't feel quite so miserable
'Cause Lenny really says things the way they sometimes are
And then
Like a friendly back seat driver in the front seat of your car
he knows the journey's long and by the end you'll go so far
But he'll point to the map, show you exactly where you are
i wouldn't want to be without Leonard Cohen
He makes me sing and dance with everything showin'
Angels cry: hallelujah
With their trumpets all blowin'
'Cause they love Leonard Cohen
And Enya, you remember Enya
Wrote that song about how the Orinoco's flowin'
Well she loves Leonard Cohen
I went down to Tom's Diner
Suzanne Vega was just
And she loves Leonard Cohen
In the sixties counter-culture there was one folk hero doyenne
And that was Peter, Paul and Mary
But I expect they love Leonard Cohen
Leonard, Lenny-boy, Laughing Len
The lovely figure of laughing Zen
If I'm ever feeling low I listen, and then
I don't feel quite so miserable
Leonard takes you down to his house by the river
Where he'll feed you tea and oranges
Come all the way from China
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la ...