Poem For An Italian Friend Who Happens To Be A Buddhist
A F Harrold
Er, this is a poem I wrote for an Italian friend who just happens to be a, a Buddhist.
Well he didn't just "happen to be", I mean he was, er, a Buddhist at the time
And I borrow some imagery from er, T.S. Eliot in here and I'm not sure, I er think it's um
It's either Ash Wednesday or one of the, one of the four quartets, I can never quite remember where I got it originally
Er, but it's called: Poem For An Italian Friend Who Happens To Be A Buddhist.
McCavity's a mystery yak
He's called The Hidden Hoof
He's a bovine Zen master who
Knows the Eightfold Truth
He's the Burden of the Buddhist
The Dalai Lama's worst despair
'Cause when they reach Nirvana
Well, McCavity's not there