Leonardo da Vinci
A F Harrold
This is a poem in er, in an occasional sequence of poems about historical er people.
This one's about Leonardo da Vinci
and I am quite proud of some of the rhymes in here
so please do pay attention if you get the opportunity.
When Leonardo da Vinci
Invented the lever
And also the winch he
Was stuck in Geneva
He was locked in a hotel
By a prince who repented
His dictate that no tel-
Ephones be invented
A small helicopter
Got drawn on a hanky
He checked the dioptre
But still got quite cranky
When he noticed his photos
Had all come out sepia
But the prince he had no toes
Which Da Vinci found creepier
So to make things nicer
He phoned out to Pisa
Said send the Mona Lisa
Or if not the Mona Lisa
Whichever they sent it
But Da Vinci weren't happy
'Cos the Post Office bent it
And now it looks crappy