Introduction (Left Out of the Left Field)
A F Harrold
Well, ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to this, which is the er, the fourth A F Harrold's Half Hour Compact Disc Extravaganza
This one's entitled A F Harrold's Half Hour: Left Out of the Left Field
And it contains some poems
It contains stories
Some musique concrète
Er, a little bit of modern dance later on, I expect
Some, er, there's er, er a harpsichord solo
And all sorts of er magic.
Er, enjoy it, sit back, relax
Drive your car, eat your dinner, wash the poodle
Do whatever you, do whatever you want to do
While you're listening to this
'Cos that's, that's the beauty
You can do things listening to the CD you can't do at a live show.
So, just er, get on with it
Feel free, don't worry
No, relax, I'm going to shut up
And there should be some poems along in a moment.