Looking At The Pictures
A.F.Harrold's Anglo-Saxon Ensemble
Looking at the pictures on my bedroom wall
You weren't impressed with them at all
The colours were too vivid with the details in
They reminded you a bit of your boyfriend Tim
Well you didn't sit down 'cos there wasn't a chair
I'd taken off my clothes I was standing I was bare
You looked out the window and you gave a sigh
Then you sat around ...(?) for the pie
You couldn't make love or you wouldn't make love
You wouldn't make love and you couldn't make love
You've never made love or you wouldn't make love
'Cos you didn't have an apricot handy
A fortnight later we tried again
I brought you apricots, in fact I brought ten
You held my hand and looked in my eye
Unbuttoned my shirt and twizzled my tie
Then you looked in my eyes and you licked your lips
And with a ... (?) dialled with your hips
You looked at ...(?) fell back on the bed
And then bounced back up and roughly said
You couldn't make love or you wouldn't make love
You wouldn't make love and you couldn't make love
You couldn't make love or you wouldn't make love
...(long incomprehensible rant) ... selling things
And all
All that talk of bottles
All that talk of
Bottles and tying these things inside us
I'm gonna ask
Hey excuse me a moment
Can you bring it on down a bit I'm trying to talk to someone here
Thank you
All that talk of bottles
And things inside that are too big to be inside
You can't really figure out how they got inside
Made me think
Made me think of
Of those Eastern tales
They're sort of twelfth, thirteenth century tales of Baghdad
About djinns
About genies
About strange things happening inside one of them with one rub would pop out
I understood that
And I thought
I thought back to that book written by that
The book by Sheherezederedarad
A thousand and one arabian tales
I got that book
I thought
What would I say
What would I say if I had a genie here now?
What wish would I ask that genie to grant me?
'Cos traditionally they give you three wishes, because
Three wishes for each genie for each freedom
That's what I'm trying
I know
I knew right then what I knew what I would wish for
I can't tell you
But I knew what it was
I was just wondering
There's two wishes left ladies and gentlemen
I thought I'd share those wishes
With you
I thought if anybody knows what they would wish for
Make a note and tell me
And we could
We can give it to you
Let us be your genie
Infinite beer
Let the gentleman at the front
Slump the floor in a semi-somnolent state
Listen to that alliteration
Very impressive
He thinks I were a poet or something
Here's our
Ask for infinite beer
And I think
I think Jason is the man to
Give him infinite beer
Through the medium of the electric guitar
I think
(Great! Woo-hoo! Woo!)
Was that beery enough?
It sounded like shandy to me
That was Aleph Two
That was what?
Aleph Two
Aleph Two?
Thank you
There is place (?) for one wish left
Does anybody want to use up this last wish?
Has anyone got a
Infinite books
A man after my own heart
A strange large beardy man
Who obviously
Oh shut up Matt
You've had your go
Somebody dialled for infinite books
Of course what you ought to say
For your third wish
Is infinite wishes
But that's
That may display ... sneaky
But never mind
Infinite books
I think
Six books are infinitely flexible
The ultimate random access device
And ... both at the same time
Flippable flexible papery friends
Books, books
Take them home with you
Put them in your pocket
Sit with them at night
Lick your four legs drink your horlicks
I don't know
Do whatever you do
Curl up in bed with a book
Do it in the bath
Do it in the car
As long as you're not driving
Rob, do not paint disgusting images like that
The trombone is a perfect instrument
To display all the capabilities
Of ... (?)
As we say in Spain
Take it away, top down
Back to my story
... taken her for
The problem ... law
... dinner ... grapes
... yonder which helps a bit
Could you tell me ...
... fire
... look now
It was just about one when the house fell down
And well
We couldn't make love so we didn't make love
We didn't make love 'cos we couldn't make love
We couldn't make love so we didn't make love
But we did hold hands ... (incomprehensible)
... love blossomed
Love blossomed, ladies and gentlemen
And all I got from it
All I got from it
Was absolute sod all